Monday 23 January 2012

My favourite foundation

I'm a sucker for make-up. I love getting ready and putting my make-up on. But one thing that has always got me worked up was foundation. Having combination skin I have searched high and low for the perfect foundation. I've read more reviews than I can remember and trusted magazines hoping to find a foundation that would become a permanent addition to my make-up bag and 2 years ago I found it and I can honestly say I've been using it ever since.
Estee Lauder double wear foundation is THE foundation and I swear by it.
It goes onto skin effortlessly, I apply mine with a brush to make sure I get even coverage and once it's on my skin looks flawless. It is the holy grail of foundations I'm convinced of it. I can apply it at 10 in the morning and then wear it throughout the day into the night without having to touch it up. It gives beautiful coverage without making your skin feel chalky or like you have a million layers on grease on your skin. The only drawback is that is costs around £27. When I buy a bottle it tends to last me about 3 months as you only need to wear the smallest amount. For me this is the best of the best, but if anyone else wears an amazing foundation let me know! Even though it would be a tough job for me to switch. Genuinely think I'm a little bit in love with this product.

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