Tuesday 17 January 2012

Lana Del Rey

So there's already been a lot of media attention (and conspiracy theories) surrounding this American beauty but I thought I'd just further her popularity by blogging about her. Lana has literally come out of nowhere but seems to be everywhere at the minute, already having featured on many magazine covers. Her song Video games may sound familiar as it featured on the Christmas episode of The only way is Essex and a recent Gossip girl episode too.

I can't imagine her music is for everyone, she is almost speaking in parts as opposed to singing but I'm hooked. Her Facebook page lists her genre as Hollywood pop / sad core whatever that means. But she is fascinating to watch and even though I'm pretty sure she's had ALOT of plastic surgery is kind of flawless, minus the chav nails. This is her video for Born to die which is gorgeous in itself and I can't stop watching/listening.

Her album Born to die is out jan 30th

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