Tuesday 5 June 2012

3546 miles

This is going to be my last post for a couple of months as tomorrow morning I'm flying to Washington to work at a summer camp. I will be 3546 miles away from everyone I love and even though I'm sad to be leaving everyone I can't wait to get to America! 

My last night at university was hilarious. I went for a meal with my boyfriends family for his mum's birthday and we went in a pink hummer limo! We were drinking champagne all night and it was the perfect way to say bye to my gorgeous boy for a while.

The night I got back home I went out for a meal with my family where the chips were massive! Look at the size of those things! I managed one! I single chip.

I hope everyone has had a lovely jubilee weekend and that summer is beautiful. I will speak to you all soon! Take care!



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