This year has been fantastic for me and fashion for a number of reasons:
I finally got my hands on some patent white DMs, dream come true; Found some gorgeous bright red jeans in Warehouse; tried out coloured contacts, got some beautiful glittery red nail varnish just in time for party season and perhaps the best was finding out that nude shades are in for spring new year!
Apart from fashion, 2011 has been great for music, Nicki Minaj's SuperBass is STILL being played in clubs and Florence released her second album Ceremonials which is flawlessly haunting.
As for film, the only one that made any impact (for me anyway) was Harry Potter, I was in asda at midnight buying that badboy.
Aside from the clothes, music and movies though 2011 has been a pretty good year. It started off a bit rocky, but then again, most new years do, th
ings left unsettled from the past year but it eased out.
I've been to London twice, got to go to Paris with my family, danced away at V festival even though I was deathly ill, worked 9-5 then 8-1 all through summer and made my parents very proud, had some fabulous meals and free shots (...VODKA), moved into my little flat with L&N, cleaned for the first time EVER, cried when I was sad...well cried because I'm not HP, laughed so hard it hurt and of course made some wonderful memories with friends that I will never forget for as long as I shall live.
All in all this year hasn't been too shabby.